Welcome to The Japanese Garden! We will be closed Monday, March 31 for the holiday!
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June 22, 2021

Throughout the year, The Japanese Garden provides a variety of programming designed to increase awareness of Asian culture. Past events include a visit from authentic Geisha, our Tanabata Festival, origami and manga lessons, Japanese storytelling, ukelele concerts, bonsai demonstrations, and more. Although the Garden has been closed due to the pandemic, their staff, volunteers, and Advisory Committee have continued to provide virtual programming while sharing beautiful photos and videos of the Garden on social media. You can follow The Japanese Garden on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @japangardenla


We are pleased to present a special event for the Summer Solstice today. The Department of Cultural Affairs generously provided TaikoProject (https://taikoproject.org/) with a grant to film 5 beautiful songs at the Japanese Garden.



Department of Public Works